
Meet your host, Doug Parsons


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Welcome to America Adapts Media! I’m Doug Parsons, climate adaptation influencer and the Director of this organization and host of the podcast.

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My background: I got my start in adaptation work while in Queensland, Australia, where I focused on how climate change was impacting the agriculture sector. When I moved back to the United States, I landed with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and became their very first Climate Change Coordinator. In that role, I led efforts to institutionalize adaptation into the agency mission. I also created a groundbreaking climate change course that has since been adopted by both the federal government and the state of California. I also had the opportunity to work with some incredible people in Florida and contribute to national initiatives like the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plant Adaptation Strategy.

As I continued to dive deeper into national issues, I joined the National Park Service's Climate Change Response program as their Climate Change Liaison. There, I was part of some of the earliest federal policy discussions around adaptation. It was a huge honor to be involved in that work. After my time there, I went on to become the North America Policy Director at the Society for Conservation Biology, where I focused on climate change adaptation, endangered species, and science communication.

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Giving presentation on science communication at the University of Florida.

And now, here I am, hosting this podcast, talking with some of the most amazing experts in the field of adaptation, hoping to make the world aware there are positive stories associated with climate change and there are things we can do today to take action! The podcast has taken me all over the United States, Africa, Europe, Mexico and Australia, where I record stories of adaptation from experts and practitioners. The field keeps growing and this podcast brings you to the center of the action, highlighting what’s happening in this emerging and critically important field. Have a listen!

Interviewing Judi" Rakotondrazafy of World Wildlife Fund at a Mangrove Adaptation workshop in Merida, Mexico.

Moderating a panel on human mobility and climate change hosted by UC Disaster Resilience Network and the UC Berkeley Center For Security in Politics.


Keynote presentation at the Youth Ambassadors United Nations Conference at the University of Arizona.


At the National Adaptation Forum with Anita Van Breda of World Wildlife Fund

Doug as a guest on other podcasts and media.


Giving presentation at the Keeping History Above Water Conference in St. Augustine, Florida.


Presenting at the NYC Office of Resiliency.


Rooftop interview at Bronx Zoo in Central Park.

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Interviewing experts in NYC on urban foresty and adaptation.


Keynote presentation at the Adaptation Conference in Melbourne, Australia.


Interviews in NYC on urban forestry.