
Promote your work while supporting adaptation


Do you have a climate change adaptation story to tell? Consider sponsoring America Adapts to highlight it! Not only are you sharing your climate story with my existing audience, but use a podcast episode as part of your organization’s long term communication strategy. What is in your communication toolkit? Well, consider a podcast. Podcasts can have a long shelflife, extending your story years after it’s published.

See the ‘How to Sponsor an Episode’ one pager here.

Examples of sponsored podcasts include:

Climate + Financial Resilience: Innovative Solutions to Flood Risk

America Adapts is also sponsored by Wondrium. Wondrium brings you engaging, educational content through short form videos, long form courses, tutorials, how-to lessons, travelogues, documentaries, and more, covering every topic you’ve ever wondered about and many you never thought you’d wonder about.

Should You Sponsor a Podcast Episode_.png

Yes you should! This link provides background information on the value of using podcasts to tell your story. Connect with more relevant stakeholders and use a medium that’s both informative and entertaining.

For more information, contact Doug at