Trying to start or grow a podcast? Doug can help.
Is your organization thinking of new ways to communicate your mission? Have you considered a podcast? It can be an incredibly educational (and entertaining) platform to discuss complex subjects…like climate change. Doug Parsons gives in person and virtual presentations on how to start your own podcast and how to use this medium to communicate your organizations’ mission in ways that can educate and inspire (and entertain). Podcasts offer opportunities to engage your members in an ongoing basis – you will create a much more loyal and engaged membership community with a podcast than with a newsletter!
Doug is also available to sit on boards and advisory committees. Doug has over 20 years experience working in climate adaptation and has been a leader in adaptation planning across non profits, state and federal agencies. Doug’s experience with the podcast and the expert guest recruitment gives him a unique vantage point on the adaptation sector with insights on where it’s headed and how groups can take advantage of emerging opportunities. Contact information below.
Strategic Adaptation Communications Consultation learn more here.
For the America Adapts Media Press kit, click here!
For more information on how Doug can help you develop and effectively use a podcast, contact him here.
Full presentation at the University of Florida leading a “How to podcast” workshop.
What is a podcast and how do you listen to one? This YouTube video explains the process on an iPhone.