Mangroves for Community and Climate: Adapting in Harmony with Nature at WWF
In episode 179 of America Adapts, I’ve partnered with World Wildlife Fund to learn the critical role mangrove forests play in coastal adaptation and the work WWF is doing with their Mangroves for Community and Climate project. You’ll hear how WWF is applying its three core adaptation strategies: ecosystem-based adaptation, nature-friendly adaptation, and climate-smart conservation. We journeyed to the Yucatán in Mexico to speak with mangrove experts from around the world - Mexico, Madagascar, Colombia, Fiji, Australia and the US – all coming together to share their expertise and knowledge to help mangroves persist in a changing climate. WWF is working to conserve mangroves around the world through various initiatives, including the development of a climate-smart mangrove restoration decision support tool. Finally, we’ll hear how WWF’s Environment and Disaster Management and Climate Crowd programs are helping communities adapt to climate change while valuing and reducing pressure on the critical ecosystem services that mangroves provide. It’s an epic size episode focusing on a critical species for adaptation!
Topics covered:
Photo credit Emma Barnes
Learn about WWF’s three core strategies for adaptation.
What WWF is doing to conserve mangroves globally.
What is the climate-smart mangrove restoration decision support tool.
Results of the Mangrove Workshop in Merida, Mexico.
How mangroves help reduce risk to coastal flooding and storm surges.
What happens to mangroves following a disaster?
Some research in Florida, surprisingly, says in some cases mangroves may do more harm than good when we build out in front of them.
Do people generally see value in keeping mangroves intact for other reasons besides coastal protection.
What is WWF’s Climate Crowd program.
Experts in this Episode:
Photo credit Emma Barnes
· Shaun Martin, Vice President, Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience, WWF US
· Karen Douthewaite, Director, Oceans, WWF US
· Pilar Jacobo, Nature-based Solutions Coordinator, WWF Mexico
· Dr. Siddarth Narayan – East Carolina University
· Alejandra Calzada, Climate Change Adaptation Coordinator, WWF Mexico
· Luz Cervantes, Senior Program Officer, Environment and Disaster Management, WWF US
· Claudia Duran, Field Officer, WWF Mexico
· Nicole Chabaneix, Senior Program Officer, Climate Risk Management and Resilience, WWF US
· Dr. Catherine Lovelock – University of Queensland
· Dr. Jemma Purandare, University of Queensland
· Ixchel Lopez, Deputy Director, Oceans, WWF Mexico
· Ryan Bartlett, Director, Climate Risk Management and Resilience, WWF US
· Jaime Villareal, Climate Change Adaptation Officer, WWF Mexico
Computer generated transcript of this episode available here.
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Photo credit Emma Barnes
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Resources and Links in this episode:
Mangroves for Community and Climate project
WWF Environment and Disaster Management Program
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Photo credit Emma Barnes
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Photo credit Emma Barnes
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Photo credit Emma Barnes