Transformational Adaptation with the Climate Science Alliance: The 2023 San Diego Climate Summit
In episode 196 America Adapts, we partnered with the Climate Science Alliance to cover their Climate Summit at the San Diego Natural History Museum. Experts, speakers and participants from the Summit are highlighted in this episode. We kick things off with Dr. Amber Pairis of the Alliance setting the stage for the Alliance’s approach to transformational adaptation, emphasizing community-centered approaches, resilience, and relationship building. Multiple tribal voices share the importance of indigenous approaches to climate adaptation. The summit was a rousing event with many diverse voices sharing their perspectives on transformational adaptation. You’ll also hear how art and culture play a critical role in how society is going to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Looking ahead, the Alliance aspires to build on their momentum, encouraging others to adopt their transformational adaptation model and fostering partnerships. The episode highlights the power of collective action and offers insights for organizations on a similar adaptation journey.
This episode was generously sponsored by the Climate Science Alliance.
Transcript of this episode available here.
Experts in this Episode:
Dr. Amber Pairis - Founder and Lead Advisor of the Climate Science Alliance
Paula Ezcurra - Operations and Grants Manager, Climate Science Alliance
Martha Rodriguez - Sycuan Cultural Dept. Director, Instructor
Nikki Cooley - Co-manager for the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals’ Tribal Climate Change Program
Lauran Engeman - Coastal Climate Resilience Specialist at California Sea Grant
Amy Larson – Grants Program Director at the California Wildlife Foundation
Angela Mooney D’Arcy - founder and Executive Director of the Sacred Places Institute for Indigenous Peoples
Richelle Ellis - Artist, Curator, Analog Astronaut connecting Art + Science
Dr. Megan Jennings - Conservation ecologist and Co-Director of San Diego State's Institute for Ecological Monitoring and Management
Althea Walker - Co-Director and Community Resilience Lead for the Climate Science Alliance
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Summit summary and photo gallery with you, both of which can be found on our webpage:
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Letter of Relationality
The third annual Innovations in Climate Resilience Conference (ICR24) takes place on April 22-24, 2024, in Washington, DC. This toolkit is meant to help share messaging and information with your audiences.
ICR24 Website
· Abstract Submission Deadline – December 11, 2023 – Submission link
Dr. Amber Pairis
Early Bird Registration Opens – November 1, 2023 – Registration link
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