Everything you wanted to know about Managed Retreat (but were afraid to ask) with Dr. AR Siders
In episode 100 (a true milestone!) of America Adapts, host Doug Parsons talks with Dr. AR Siders, an assistant professor at the Disaster Research Center at the University of Delaware. Dr. Siders defines what is ‘managed retreat’ and also the policy challenges of getting communities to undertake this adaptation action. Doug and Siders also discuss: is it happening in an equitable way; the various emerging managed retreat models; successful case studies; the need for a National Seashore; Presidential emergency declarations; communicating the issue and much more! Also, Doug talks with two of Dr. Siders students, Bridget Flynn and Jennifer Gallagher, who share some managed retreat case study work in Tulsa, OK and Charlotte, North Carolina.
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In this Episode:
Topics discussed in this episode:
· What is managed retreat?
· Is it happening in an socially equitable way?
· Does it increase poverty?
· No consensus yet on ‘right way’ for managed retreat, models emerging.
· Case study of Soldier’s Grove, Wisconsin as successful managed retreat.
· What critical infrastructure is left behind in managed retreat and who’s responsible for the pollution associated with that abandoned infrastructure?
· People don’t truly understand risk.
· Develop a “National Seashore” in response to managed retreat.
· Should the President of the US declare a managed retreat national emergency?
· Using climate fiction to create awareness around managed retreat.
· What are some effective ways to communicate managed retreat to the public?
Bridgett Flynn
Guests in the episode
· Dr. AR Siders (Minute 2:04)
· Bridget Flynn (student) (1:02:02)
· Jennifer Gallagher (student) (1:12:16)
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Links in episode:
AR Siders
Managed retreat through voluntary buyouts of flood-prone properties
Managed Retreat in the United States
Tulsa Related Information
NPR’s take on Tulsa’s program: https://www.npr.org/2017/11/20/564317854/how-tulsa-became-a-model-for-preventing-floods
Flooding History in Tulsa: https://www.cityoftulsa.org/government/departments/engineering-services/flood-control/flooding-history/
This is a really useful website for all of Tulsa’s mitigation programs: https://www.cityoftulsa.org/government/departments/engineering-services/flood-control/
Charlotte, North Carolina Buy out related Information
And Here is another take on all of Tulsa’s Climate Change programs (and how Tulsa being a conservative oil town affects these programs): https://www.governing.com/topics/transportation-infrastructure/gov-tulsa-climate-change-resilience-adaptation-flooding.html
The Challenge Of Mandatory Evacuation: Providing For And Deciding For in Health Affairs
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
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